






田邉 匡生Tadao Tanabe

芝浦工業大学 生産・プロダクトデザイン系 教授


  • 基礎力学
  • Material Science(材料科学)
  • 材料工学
  • 品質マネジメント
  • 生産システムマネジメント
  • ビジネスモデル論
  • 光学デザイン特論
  • プロジェクト演習





  • 2024年
    「鉄筋探査レーダーの高度化:鉄筋腐食の検出に向けて」(招待講演)第93回 マルチフィールド研究会 2024年6月3日 芝浦工大、東京
  • 2023年
    "Development of sub-Terahertz Measurement System and its Applications
    for Identification of Plastic Waste" (依頼講演)カミギン島議会 2023年11月6日 カミギン島、フィリピン
  • 2023年度
    「広帯域テラヘルツ技術の非接触・非破壊技術への応用」(招待講演)第19回 未来科学オープンセミナー 2023年9月29日 東北大NICHe、仙台
  • 2023年
    「先端材料計測による解決が期待できるリサイクル課題」(招待講演)日本金属学会研究会「マテリアルリサイクルを加速する材料科学の課題 」2023年6月30日 仙台国際センター、仙台
  • 2023年
    「リサイクル高度化におけるプラスチック素材・劣化のテラヘルツ評価」(招待講演)第15回ケミルミネッセンス研究会 2023年3月15日 芝浦工大、東京
  • 2022年
    「廃プラ問題の解決に向けたテラヘルツ波の利用可能性」(招待講演)日本学術振興会 182委員会 2022年7月8日 ZOOM
  • 2022年
    「テラヘルツ分光応用:インフラ非破壊検査からプラスチックリサイクルまで」日本化学会カレントレビュー(赤外線の化学利用―近赤外からテラヘルツまでー)編集員会 2022年3月25日 ZOOM
  • 2021年
    「テラヘルツ非破壊検査によるプラスチックの素材識別と内部欠陥検出」(招待講演)プラスチック成型加工学会 新加工技術専門委員会 2021年 6月25日 ZOOM
  • 2020年
    「深紫外からミリ波をつなぐ超広帯域半導体光源とそのアプリケーションデザイン」(基調講演)日本金属学会 企画シンポジウム 医用材料・医療機器開発の最前線(Ⅱ)~光を用いる生体情報イメージング~ 2020年9月17日 ZOOM
  • 2019年
    "2D Layered Semiconducting Materials and Terahertz Non-Destructive Inspection"(招待講演)The 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM10) 2019年8月19日 西安市曲江国際会議場、中国
  • 2009年
    "GaP Terahertz signal generator and its applications for spectral monitoring of dynamic reaction"(招待講演)International Symposium on Terahertz between Japan and Sweden 2009年11月20日 Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

T. Tanabe, Y. Suzuki and A. Hatta “Enhancement of Surface Infrared Absorption on Silver Islands: Effect of Lateral Interactions” PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES, 10 (1997) 13-22.

T. Tanabe, T. Morisato, Y. Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Thermal and UV photolytic behavior of Fe(CO)5 on evaporated Fe films: an infrared reflection absorption study” Vibrational Spectroscopy, 18 (1998), 141-147.

K. Yamatake, T. Tanabe, Y. Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, T. Wadayama and A. Hatta “Raman Spectroscopic Study of Iron Pentacarbonyl on Silver at Elevated Temperatures” JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 29 (1998), 781-785.

T. Tanabe, T. Morisato, Y. Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Termal and UV photolytic behavior of Fe(CO)5 on evaporated Fe films: an infrared reflection absorption study” Vibrational Spectroscopy 18 (1998) 141-147.

T. Tanabe, Y. Suzuki, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Carbon monoxide adsorption on ultra-thin Fe film deposited on Cu(100)” Surface Science 427-428 (1999) 414-418.

T. Wadayama, O. Suzuki, K. Takeuchi, H. Seki, T. Tanabe, Y. Suzuki, A. Hatta “IR absorption enhancement for physisorbed methanol on Ag island films deposited on the oxidized and H-terminated Si(111) surfaces: effect of the metal surface morphology” Applied Physics A, 69 (1999), 77-80.

T. Tanabe, T. Shibahara, R. Buckmaster, T. Ishibashi, T. Wadayama, A.Hatta “Infrared spectral study of CO adsorption on molecular-beam epitaxially grown, fcc iron films on Cu(100)” Surface Science 466 (2000) 1-10.

T. Tanabe, R. Buckmaster, T. Ishibashi, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study for CO adsorption on molecular beam epitaxially grown Fe films on Cu(111)” Surface Science 472 (2001) 1-8.

T. Wadayama, K. Takeuchi, K. Mukai, T. Tanabe, and A. Hatta “Infrared spectroscopic study of dimethylaluminum-hydride adsorption on oxidized, hydrogen-terminated, and reconstructed Si surfaces” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 20 (2002), 299-304.

Ken Suto, Takao Saito, Tomoyuki Kimura, Jun-Ichi Nishizawa, and Tadao Tanabe “Semiconductor Raman Amplifier for Terahertz Bandwidth Optical Communication” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 20 (2002), 705-711.

H. Seki, M. Takada, T. Tanabe, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Infrared absorption study of CO chemisorption on copper island film” Surface Science, 506 (2002) 23-32.

T. Wadayama, K. Kubo, T. Yamashita, T. Tanabe, A. Hatta “Carbon monoxide adsorption on 4 monolayer thick fcc-Fe/Cu(100): infrared reflection absorption and low energy electron diffraction studies” Applied Surface Science, 199 (2002), 254-258.

T. Tanabe, K. Kubo, T. Ishibashi, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Investigation of the adsorption and decomposition of Fe(CO)5 on fcc and bcc iron films by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy” Applied Surface Science 207 (2003) 115-120.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, T. Saito, T. Kimura, Y. Oyama, J. Nishizawa “Characteristics of time-gated Raman amplification in GaP-AlGaP semiconductor waveguides” Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 43-46.

Shigeki Saito, Tomoyuki Kimura, Tadao Tanabe, Ken Suto, Yutaka Oyama, and Jun-Ichi Nishizawa “Fabrication and Characteristics of GaP-AlGaP Tapered Waveguide Semiconductor Raman Amplifiers” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 21 (2003), 170-175.

T. Tanabe, K. Kubo, T. Ishibashi, T. Wadayama, A. Hatta “Investigation of the adsorption and decomposition of Fe(CO)5 on fcc and bcc iron films by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy” Applied Surface Science, 207 (2003), 115-120.

Toshimasa Wadayama, Kazumi Kubo, Terumasa Yamashita, Tadao Tanabe, and Aritada Hatta “Infrared Reflection Absorption Study of Carbon Monoxide Adsorbed on Submonolayer Fe-Covered Cu(100), (110), and (111) Bimetallic Surfaces” THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 107 (2003), 3768-3773.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, K. Saito, T. Kimura “Frequency-tunable terahertz wave generation via excitation of phonon-polaritons in GaP” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36 (2003) 953-957.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, K. Saito, T. Kimura “Frequency tunable high power terahertz wave generation from GaP” Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 4610-4615.

H. Choi, T. Tanabe, N. Kotaki, K.W. Koh, J.C. Shim, K.T. Park, H. Kurino, M. Koyanagi “New Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Flash Memory with Side Channel and Side Floating Gate” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42 (2003) 3361-3363.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, K. Saito T. Kimura “Tunable terahertz wave generation in the 3- to 7-THz region from GaP” APPLIED PHYSHICS LETTERS, 83 (2003), 237-239.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, K. Saito T. Kimura “Tunable terahertz wave generation in the 3- to 7-THz region from GaP” Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 237-239.

J. Nishizawa, K. Suto, T. Sasaki, T. Tanabe, T. Kimura “Spectral measurement of terahertz vibrations of biomolecules using a GaP terahertz-wave generator with automatic scanning control” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36 (2003) 2958-2961.

Tadao Tanabe, Ken Suto, Jun-ichi Nishizawa “Terahertz lattice vibration utilized for semiconductor devices” Metals Materials and Processes, 15 (2003), 219-224.

T. Tanabe, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, T. Sasaki “Characteristics of Terahertz-wave generation from GaSe crystals” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (2004) 155-158.

Tadao Tanabe, Ken Suto, Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki “Characteristics of terahertz-wave generation from GaSe crystals” JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, 37 (2004), 155-158.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki, Ken Suto, Tetsuya Yamada, Tadao Tanabe, Takenori Tanno, Takashi Sawai, Yasuhiko Miura “THz imaging of nucleobases and cancerous tissue using a GaP THz-wave generator” Optics Communications, 244 (2005), 469-474.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki, Ken Suto, Tadao Tanabe, Kyosuke Saito, Tetsuya Yamada, Tomoyuki Kimura “THz transmittance measurements of nucleobases and related molecules in the 0.4- to 5.8-THz region using a GaP THz wave generator” Optics Communications, 246 (2005), 229-239.

Ken Suto, Tetsuo Sasaki, Tadao Tanabe, Kyosuke Saito, Jun-ichi, Nishizawa Masahiko Ito “GaP THz wave generator and THz spectrometer using Cr:Forsterite lasers” REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 76 (2005), 123109-01-123109-3.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuya Yamada, Tetsuo Sasaki, Tadao Tanabe,Toshimasa Wadayama, Takenori Tanno, Ken Suto “Terahertz dichroism of MBBA liquid crystal on rubbed substrate” Applied Surface Science, 252 (2006), 4226-4229.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Takenori Tanno, Tadao Tanabe, Ken Suto “Teraherts vibrational spectra of metallocene” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 691 (2006), 2479-2482.

T. Tanabe, Y. Kozawa, K. Suto, J. Nishizawa, Y. Oyama “Observing the stimulated Raman gain spectra of solutions using an infrared pump pulse with narrow linewidth and a low-noise CW probe laser” International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 26 (2005) 881-892.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tadao Tanabe, Ken Suto, Yusuke Watanabe, Tetsuo Sasaki, and Yutaka Oyama “Continuous-Wave Frequency-Tunable Terahertz-Wave Generation From GaP” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 18 (2006), 2008-2010.

Jun-ichi NISHIZAWA, Ken SUTO, Tetsuo SASAKI, Tadao TANABE, Taknori TANNO, Yutaka OYAMA, and Fumikazu SATO “GaP Raman Terahertz high accuracy spectrometer and its application to detect organic and inorganic crystalline defects” PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, SERIES B PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 82 (2006), 353-358.

Tadao Tanabe, Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Ken Suto, Yusuke Watanabe, Tetsuo Sasaki and Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz Wave Generation from GaP with Continuous Wave and Pulse Pumping in the 1-1.2 μm Region” Materials Transactions, 48 (2007), 980-983.

Kyosuke Saito, KeiNozawa, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama, Ken Suto, Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki, Tomoyuki Kimura “Fabrication and Characterization of GaP Photonic Crystals for Terahertz Wave Application” Materials Transactions, 48 (2007), 2340-2342.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki, Ken Suto, Masahiko Ito, Takashi Yoshida, Tadao Tanabe “High-resolution GaP Terahertz Spectrometer and Its Application to Detect Defects in Gamma-irradiated Glucose Crystal” International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 29 (2008), 291-297.

Jun-Ichi Nishizawa, Ken Suto, Tadao Tanabe, Kyosuke Saito, Tomoyuki Kimura, and Yutaka Oyama “THz Generation From GaP Rod-Type Waveguides” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 19 (2007), 143-145.

Jun-ichi Nishizawa, Tetsuo Sasaki, Tadao Tanabe, Norimitsu Hozumi, Yutaka Oyama, and Ken Suto “Single-frequency coherent terahertz-wave generation using two Cr:forsterite lasers pumped using one Nd:YAG laser” REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 79 (2008), 036101-1-036101-3.

Y. Oyama, L. Zhen, T. Tanabe, M. Kagaya “Sub-terahertz imaging of defects in building blocks” NDT &E International 42 (2009) 28-33.

T. Tanabe, S. Ragam, Y. Oyama, T. Sasaki, J. Nishizawa, M. Ohkado N. Yamada “Two-directional CW THz Wave Generation System by Pumping With a Single Fiber Amplifier of Near-IR Lasers” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21 (2009) 260-262.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama, Ken Suto, and Jun-ichi Nishizawa “Terahertz-wave generation by GaP rib waveguides via collinear phase-matched difference-frequency mixing of near-infrared lasers”JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 105 (2009), 063102-1-063102-4.

Srinivasa Ragam, Tadao Tanabe, Kyosuke Saito, Yutaka Oyama, and Jun-ichi Nishizawa “Enhancement of CW THz Wave Power Under Noncollinear Phase-Matching Conditions in Difference Frequency Generation” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 27 (2009), 3057-3061.

T. Tanabe, S. Ragam, Y. Oyama “Continuous wave terahertz wave spectrometer based on diode laser pumping: Potential applications in high resolution spectroscopy” Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (2009) 113105.

渡邉健太、田邉匡生、小山 裕、瀬尾公一「GaPコヒーレントテラヘルツ偏光分光測定によるポリエチレンの変形・劣化測定」日本金属学会誌、 74 (2010) 149-152

田邉匡生、出﨑 光、ラガム スリニバサ、小山 裕、西澤潤一「半導体レーザ励起CWテラヘルツ波光源による高分解能分光応用」日本金属学会誌、74 (2010) 153-157.

T. Tanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Oyama, K. Seo “Polarization sensitive THz absorption spectroscopy for the evaluation of uniaxially deformed ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene” NDT & E International 43 (2010) 329-333.

Srinivasa Ragam, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama, Kenta Watanabe, Hikari Dezaki “Comparison of CW THz Wave Spectrometer with Laser Diode Excitation and Pulsed THz Wave Spectrometer with Cr:forsterite Sources Based on Difference Frequency Generation of Near-infrared Lasers in GaP” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 31 (2010), 1164-1170.

Sundararajan Balasekaran, Kazuomi Endo, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Patch antenna coupled 0.2 THz TUNNETT oscillators” Solid-State Electronics, 54 (2010), 1578-1581.

出崎 光、田邉匡生、小山 裕「差周波発生に基づくGaSe結晶からの1.2 m励起超広帯域連続周波数掃引テラヘルツ波発生」日本金属学会誌, 75 (2011), 315-319.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “THz-Wave Generation from GaP THz Photonic Crystal Waveguides under Difference-Frequency Mixing” Optics and Photonics Journal, 2 (2012), 201-205.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama “Elliptically polarized THz-wave generation from GaP – THz planar waveguide via collinear phase-matched difference frequency mixing” OPTICS EXPRESS, 20 (2012), 26082-26088.

佐々木雄寛、出崎光、田 匡生、小山裕「可変波長半導体レーザとファイバーアンプによる狭線幅CWテラヘルツ波光源」 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌),133 (2013), 1461-1466.

S. Takahashi, T. Hamano, K. Nakajima, T. Tanabe, Y. Oyama “Observation of damage in insulated copper cables by THz imaging” NDT & E International 61 (2014) 75-79.

Tetsuo Sasaki, Tadao Tanabe, Jun-ichi Nishizawa “Frequency Stabilized GaP Continuous-Wave Terahertz Signal Generator for High-Resolution Spectroscopy” Optics and Photonics Journal, 4 (2014), 8-13.

中村 悠太、中田 有紀、中嶋かおり、田邉 匡生、小山 裕「コヒーレントテラヘルツ光源によるグルタミン酸およびトレオニンのカイラリティー識別」電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌),134 (2014), 484-488.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama ”Design of a GaP/Si composite waveguide for CW terahertz wave generation via difference frequency mixing” APPLIED OPITCS, 53 (2014), 3587-3592.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama “Numerical Investigations of THz-Wave Generation in Photonic Crystal Waveguide” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 26 (2014), 1526-1529.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama “THz-wave generation via difference frequency mixing in strained silicon based waveguide utilizing its second order susceptibility χ(²)” OPTICS EXPRESS, 22 (2014), 16660-16668.

K. Saito, T. Tanabe, and Y. Oyama “Design of a terahertz parametric oscillator based on a resonant cavity in a terahertz waveguide” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 116 (2014), 043108-1-043108-4.

Kyosuke Saito, Yuki Nagai, Kunihiko Yamamoto, Kensaku Maeda, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz Wave Generation via Nonlinear Parametric Process from ε-GaSe Single Crystals Grown by Liquid Phase Solution Method” Optics and Photonics Journal, 4 (2014), 213-218.

Yuta Nakamura, Hidetaka Kariya, Akihiro Sato, Tadao Tanabe, Katsuhiro Nishihara, Akira Taniyama, Kaori Nakajima, Kensaku Maeda, and Yutaka Oyama “Nondestructive Corrosion Diagnosis of Painted Hot-Dip Galvanizing Steel Sheets by Using THz Spectral Imaging”Corrosion Engineering, 63 (2014) 411-416.

中村悠太、假屋英孝、佐藤明宏、田邉匡生、西原克浩、谷山明、中嶋かおり、前田健作、小山裕「テラヘルツ分光イメージングによる塗膜下Znめっき鋼板の腐食状態非破壊検査」材料と環境 63 (2014) 504-509.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Pump enhanced monochromatic terahertz-wave parametric oscillator toward megawatt peak power” OPTICS LETTERS, 39 (2014), 5681-5684.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Polarization selective terahertz-wave generation from GaP ridge waveguide under collinear phase-matched difference-frequency mixing” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53 (2014), 102102-1-102102-4.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama, “Widely tunable terahertz-wave generation from planar GaP waveguides via difference frequency generation under collinear phase-matching condition” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53 (2014), 102203-1-102203-4.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Widely tunable surface-emitted monochromatic terahertz-wave generation beyond the Reststrahlen band” Optics Communications, 335 (2015), 99-101.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama ”Concept of annular vector beam generation at terahertz wavelengths via a nonlinear parametric process” APPLIED OPTICS, 54 (2015), 2769-2775.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama ”Cascaded terahertz-wave generation efficiency in excess of the Manley-Rowe limit using a cavity phase-matched optical parametric oscillator” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 32 (2015), 617-621.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz-wave detection in a GaP-based hybrid waveguide using a nonlinear optical parametric process “ Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 32 (2015), 708-713.

K. Saito, T. Tanabe, Y. Oyama “Design of an efficient terahertz wave source from a GaP waveguide embedded in a silicon slot waveguide” Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid Publications, 10 (2015), 15024-1.-15024-6.

Kyousuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama ”Efficient terahertz detection in a sheet cavity using a nonlinear optical parametric process” Applied Optics, 54 (2015), 5475-5480.

Huai-Yin Ren, Masashi Mizukami, Tadao Tanabe, Hidemitsu Furukawa and Kazue Kurihara ”Friction of polymer hydrogels studied by resonance shear measurements” Soft Matter, 11 (2015), 6192-6200.

Shinji Yamada, Ami Fujihara, Shin-ichi Yusa, Tadao Tanabe, and Kazue Kurihara “Low-Friction Adsorbed Layers of a Triblock Copolymer Additive in Oil-Based Lubrication” Langmuir, 31 (2015), 12140-12147.

Kyosuke Saito, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama ”Numerical analysis of second harmonic generation for THz-wave in a photonic crystal waveguide using a nonlinear FDTD algorithm” Optics Communications, 365 (2016), 164-167.

佐々木 哲朗、田邉 匡生、西澤 潤一「GaP結晶を用いた差周波発生法による連続波単色テラヘルツ光源の開発」日本赤外線学会誌、26 (2016) 74-81.

Naoaki Kuwata, Xiaoli Lu, Takamichi Miyazaki, Yoshiki Iwai, Tadao Tanabe, Junichi Kawamura “Lithium diffusion coefficient in amorphous lithium phosphate thin films measured by secondary ion mass spectroscopy with isotope exchange methods” Solid State Ionics, 294 (2016), 59-66.

K. Taki, Y. Watanabe, T. Tanabe, H. Ito, M. Ohshima “Oxygen concentration and conversion distributions in a layer-by-layer UV-cured film used as a simplified model of a 3D UV inkjet printing system” Chemical Engineering Science 158 (2017) 569-579.

Shinji Yamada, Kyeong A Inomata, Eriko Kobayashi, Tadao Tanabe, Kazue Kurihara “Effect of a Fatty Acid Additive on the Kinetic Friction and Stiction of Confined Liquid Lubricants” Tribology Letters, 64 (2016), 23.1-23.11

Nuo Lei, Youhei Sato, Tadao Tanabe, Kensaku Maeda, Yutaka Oyama “Transition metal doping of GaSe implemented with low temperature liquid phase growth” Journal of Crystal Growth 460 (2017) 94-97.

Youhei Sato, Shu Zhao, Kensaku Maeda, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Electrical property and structural analysis of amphoteric impurity Ge doped GaSe crystal grown by liquid phase growth” Journal of Crystal Growth 467 (2017) 34-37.

Shu Zhao, Youhei Sato, Kensaku Maeda, Tadao Tanabe, Hiroshi Ohtani, Yutaka Oyama “Liquid phase growth of GaSe1-xTex mixed crystal by temperature difference method under controlled vapor pressure” Journal of Crystal Growth 467 (2017) 107-110.

Kenta Kuroo, Ryo Hasegawa, Tadao Tanabe and Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz Application for Non-Destructive Inspection of Coated Al Electrical Conductive Wires” Journal of Imaging 3 (2017) 27.

Teruaki Torii, Hironori Chiba, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Measurements of glucose concentration in aqueous solutions using reflected THz radiation for applications to a novel sub-THz radiation non-invasive blood sugar measurement method” Digital Health 3 (2017) 1-5.

Soma Kaneko, Rikiya Myochi, Shuntaro Takahashi, Naoto Todoroki, Toshimasa Wadayama, and Tadao Tanabe “Ultra-High Vacuum Synthesis of Strain-Controlled Model Pt(111)-Shell Layers: Surface Strain and Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (2017) 5360-5365.

Tadao Tanabe, Shu Zhao, Yohei Sato, Yutaka Oyama “Effect of adding Te to layered GaSe crystals to increase the Van der Waals bonding force” Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2017) 165105.

M. Suzuki, M. Kohda, S. Takasuna, S. Matsuzaka, Y. Sato, T. Tanabe, Y. Oyama, and J. Nitta “Effect of optical waveguide on photoluminescence polarization in layered material GaSe with millimeter scale” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 57 (2018) 020308.

柴崎 翔伍、水上 雅史、吉田 沙恵、柳町 拓哉、田邉 匡生、栗原 和枝「共振ずり測定法によるエンジンオイルの潤滑特性評価:添加剤の効果の検討」トライボロジスト 63 (2018) 284-293.

Ryo Hasegawa, Takashi Kimura, Tadao Tanabe, Katsuhiro Nishihara, Akira Taniyama, Yutaka Oyama “Analysis of the specific vibration modes of goethite (α-FeOOH) by terahertz spectroscopy and calculations of the vibration frequencies of a single molecule using density functional theory” Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing 8 (2018) 29-34.

柴崎 翔伍、水上 雅史、吉田 沙恵、柳町 拓哉、田邉 匡生、栗原 和枝「共振ずり測定法によるエンジンオイルの潤滑特性評価:添加剤の効果の検討」トライボロジスト、63 (2018) 284-293.

Sebastien Weiller, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz Non-contact Monitoring of Cocoa Butter in Chocolate” World Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (2018) 275-281.

Tadao Tanabe, Tomoya Kanai, Kenta Kuroo, Tomoya Nishiwaki, Yutaka Oyama “Non-contact Terahertz Inspection of Water Content in Concrete of infrastructure buildings” World Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (2018) 268-274.

Tadao Tanabe, Takafumi Ito, Yutaka Oyama “Structure and optical properties of 2D layered MoS2 crystals implemented with novel friction induced crystal growth” AIP Advances 8 (2018) 035122.

Chao Tang, Yohei Sato, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Low temperature liquid phase growth of crystalline InSe grown by the temperature difference method under controlled vapor pressure” Journal of Crystal Growth 495 (2018) 54-58.

Tadao Tanabe, Chao Tang, Yohei Sato, Yutaka Oyama “Direct determination of the interlayer van der Waals bonding force in 2D indium selenide semiconductor crystal” Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018) 245107.

金子聡真、妙智力也、渡邉裕文、番土陽平、高橋俊太郎、轟直人、田邉匡生、和田山智正「歪み制御した単結晶Ptシェルの酸素還元反応活性」燃料電池 18 (2018) 73-79.

Shinji Yamada, Ami Fujihara, Shin-ichi Yusa, Tadao Tanabe, Kazue Kurihara “Confined film structure and friction properties of triblock copolymer additives in oil-based lubrication” Polymer Journal 51 (2019) 41-49.

Chao Tang, Tadao Tanabe, Shintaro Yudate, Yutaka Oyama “Quantitative evaluation of fiber structure by using coherent terahertz wave” Composites Part B 159 (2019) 1-3.

Ryo Hasegawa, Takashi Kimura, Tadao Tanabe, Katsuhiro Nishihara, Akira Taniyama and Yutaka Oyama “THz absorption spectra of akaganeite (β-FeOOH), lepidcrocite (γ-FeOOH) and bernalite (Fe(OH)3)” Journal of Nanosciences: Current Research 3 (2018) 1000126.

Tadao Tanabe, Takafumi Ito, Mingxi Chen and Yutaka Oyama “Effect of the surface texture at the interface on the friction induced crystal growth of 2D layered MoS2” Journal of Nanosciences: Current Research 3 (2018) 1000127.

Yohei Sato, Chao Tang, Katsuya Watanabe, Tadao Tanabe and Yutaka Oyama “Characteristics of 2D Ge-doped GaSe grown by low temperature liquid phase deposition under a controlled Se vapor pressure” Journal of Nanosciences: Current Research 3 (2018) 10000128.

Tadao Tanabe, Hiromu Matsumoto, Shintaro Yudate, Yutaka Oyama “High-Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy of Water Vapor with Different Humidity Levels under Normal Atmospheric Conditions and in a Vapor-Liquid Coexistence at Reduced Pressure” Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) 10 (2018) 001907.

Yasutomo Shimizu, Tadao Tanabe, Hiroshi Yoshida, Motohiro Kasuya, Tadao Matsunaga, Yoichi Haga, Kazue Kurihara, Makoto Ohta “Viscosity measurement of Xanthan-Poly(vinyl alcohol) mixture and its effect on mechanical properties of the hydrogel for 3D modeling” Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 16538.

Takeo Ohno, Arata Yasuda, Tadao Tanabe and Yutaka Oyama “Compound semiconductor oscillation device fabricated by stoichiometry controlled-epitaxial growth and its application to terahertz and infrared imaging and spectroscopy” Energy Efficient Computing & Electronics, Devices to Systems (Devices, Circuits & Systems Series) Edited by Santosh K. Kurinec and Sumeet Walia (CRC Press, 2018), 267-283.

田邉匡生、小山裕「見えないものを見る コンクリート構造物と絶縁被覆ケーブルのテラヘルツ透視診断」電気学会論文誌 論文誌C 139 (2019) 149-153.

Daisuke Kudo, Soma Kaneko, Rikiya Myochi, Yoshihiro Chida, Naoto Todoroki, Tadao Tanabe, and Toshimasa Wadayama “Ligand-Effect-Induced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity Enhancement for Pt/Zr/Pt(111) Surfaces with Tensile Strain Relieved by Stacking Faults” ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (7) (2019) pp. 4597-4601.

Mingxi Chen, Chao Tang, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Calculation of the Nonlinear Susceptibility in van der Waals Crystals” Optics and Photonics Journal 9 (2019) pp. 178-188.

Chao Tang, Tadao Tanabe, Shintaro Yudate, Yutaka Oyama “Quantitative evaluation of fiber structure by using coherent terahertz wave” Composites Part B, 159 (2019), 1-3.

Yohei Sato, Chao Tang, Katsuya Watanabe, Junya Ohsaki, Takuya Yamamoto, Nobuki Tezuka, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz wave generation via difference frequency generation using 2D InxGa1-xSe crystal grown from indium flux” Optics Express 28 1 (2020) 472-477.

Yohei Sato, Chao Tang, Katsuya Watanabe, Junya Ohsaki, Takuya Yamamoto, Tadao Tanabe, and Yutaka Oyama “InxGa1-xSe mixed crystals grown from an In flux by the traveling heater method for THz wave generation” Journal of Physics Communications 4 (2020) 065007.

Yohei Sato, Mayu Nakajima, Chao Tang, Katsuya Watanabe, Tadao Tanabe and Yutaka Oyama “Phase matching condition for THz wave generation via difference frequency generation using InxGa1-xSe mixed crystals” Optics Express 28 (2020) 20888-20897.

Shutaro Karube, Daichi Sugawara, Chao Tang, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama, Junsaku Nitta “Enhancement of spin-charge current interconversion by oxidation of rhenium” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 516 (2020) 167298 1-6.

田邉 匡生、大崎 淳也、伊藤 孝郁、塚田 大智、小山 裕「摩擦プロセスの新たな活用-摩擦誘起薄膜合成-」まてりあ、 59 (2020) 527-532.

Tadao Tanabe, Yuki Makino, Akio Shiota, Mariya Suzuki, Ryo Tanuma, Masafumi Miyajima, Noriyuki Sato, Yutaka Oyama “Terahertz detection of halogen additive-containing plastics” Optics and Photonics Journal 10 (2020) 265-272.

Yohei Sato, Chao Tang, Katsuya Watanabe, Mayu Nakajima, Takuya Yamamoto, Nobuki Tezuka, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Optical and electrical properties of InGaSe mixed crystal grown from indium flux by the traveling heater method” Journal of Electronic Materials 50 (2021) 2649–2655. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-020-08689-4

Tadao Tanabe, Junya Osaki, Makoto Miyajima, Kazuyuki Kitamura, Yutaka Oyama “Raman and TEM characterization of 2D layered MoS2 crystals grown on non-metal surfaces by friction-induced synthesis” Applied Surface Science 561 (2021) 150016 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150016

Chao Tang, Yohei Sato, Katsuya Watanabe, Tadao Tanabe, Yutaka Oyama “Selective crystal growth of indium selenide compounds from saturated solutions grown in a selenium vapor” Results in Materials 13 (2022) 100253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinma.2022.100253

Jeongsoo Yu, Xiaoyue Liu, Gaku Manago, Tadao Tanabe, Shiori Osanai and Kazuaki Okubo “New Terahertz Wave Sorting Technology to Improve Plastic Containers and Packaging Waste Recycling in Japan” Recycling 7 (2022) 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling7050066

薗畠ひとみ、眞子岳、田邉匡生、北脇秀敏「パナマ共和国におけるヤブカ発生対策を目指したプラスチック製容器包装廃棄物のぬれ性に関する研究」MACRO REVIEW 34 (2022) 79-86. https://doi.org/10.11286/jmr.34.79

Tomoya Nishiwaki, Koshi Shimizu, Tadao Tanabe, Diane Gardner, Riccardo Maddalena “Terahertz (THz) Wave Imaging in Civil Engineering to Assess Self-Healing of Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites (FRCC)” Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 21 (2023) 58-75. https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.21.58

Chihiro Kobayashi, Tomoya Nishiwaki, Shoumi Hara, Tadao Tanabe, Takahiro Oohashi, Hitoshi Hamasaki, Shuya Hikishima, Akio Tanaka and Koji Arita “Fundamental research on non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures using sub-terahertz reflected waves” MATEC Web of Conferences 378 (2023) 04007. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/202337804007

Ikuna Kanehara, Hiromasa Yamashita, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto and Tadao Tanabe “Nano-sized polyethylene particles produced by nano-second UV laser ablation.” Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 10 (2023) 389–399. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40516-023-00214-9

Suphatra Hiranphinyophat , Tomoki Hiraoka, Mako Kobayashi, Sho Fujii, Akio Kishida, Tadao Tanabe, Tsuyoshi Kimura, and Masaya Yamamoto “Fabrication of Polypropylene Nanoplastics Via Thermal Oxidation Reaction for Human Cells Responsiveness Studies” Langmuir 39 (2023) 15563–15571. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01858

Naoto Washihira, Mika Murakami, Miho Nakamura, Sho Fujii, Takahide Matsushima, Hiroshi Asahara, Akio Kishida, Tadao Tanabe, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Mako Kobayashi, Masaya Yamamoto “Application of a genetically engineered macrophage cell line for evaluating cellular effects of UV/US-treated poly(ethylene terephthalate) microplastics” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 234 (2024) 113735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2023.113735

Tsuyoshi KIMURA, Hanako MAEDA, Moeko HAGIWARA, Yoshihide HASHIMOTO, Naoko NAKAMURA, Wataru NOMURA, Tadao TANABE, Mako KOBAYASHI, Masaya YAMAMOTO, Takahide MATSUSHIMA, Hiroshi ASAHARA, Akio KISHIDA “Evaluation of Proinflammatory Response to Polymeric Materials Using a Macrophage Cell Line Genetically Tagged with a Luminescent Peptide” Adv. Biomed. Eng. 13 (2024) 43–51. https://doi.org/10.14326/abe.13.43

Kazuma Iwasaki, Kento Hirabayashi, Eimi Yamaguchi, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto, Tadao Tanabe “Non-contact terahertz evaluation of the melting point for PET bottles.” Thermochimica Acta 736 (2024) 179732 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2024.179732

Chihiro Kobayashi, Tomoya Nishiwaki, Tadao Tanabe, Takahiro Oohashi, Hitoshi Hamasaki, Shuya Hikishima, Akio Tanaka, Koji Arita, Sho Fujii, Daisuke Sato, Takeshi Kidokoro “Non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures using sub-terahertz reflected waves.” Developments in the Built Environment 18 (2024) 100423 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100423

Akio Tanaka, Koji Arita, Chihiro Kobayashi, Tomoya Nishiwaki, Tadao Tanabe and Sho Fujii “Fundamental Properties of Sub-THz Reflected Waves for Water Content Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Structures” Buildings 14 (2024) 1076 1-14. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/14/4/1076

Kazuma Iwasaki, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto, Tadao Tanabe, “Crystal growth of triglycine sulfate crystals under 40 GHz irradiation and the infrared detection of their device characteristics”, Journal of Electronic Materials 53 (2024) 4841-4847. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-024-11181-y

田邉匡生「ギガヘルツ測定システムの構築と鉄筋コンクリート内部の非破壊検査への応用」 鉄と鋼 110 (2024) pp. 912-917, https://doi.org/10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2024-039

Xiaoyue Liu, Gaku Manago, Kazuaki Okubo, Tadao Tanabe, Jeongsoo Yu, ”Current Challenges and Potentials for Developing a New Sorting Technology for Plastic Materials from End-of-Life Vehicles” Proceedings of the 13th Asian Automotive Environmental Forum Vol.13, pp.72-79

濱崎 仁、疋島 宗哉、田邉 匡生、佐藤 大輔、西脇 智哉、倉品 吏玖「サブテラヘルツ波を用いたコンクリート中の鉄筋腐食に対する非破壊・非接触型評価手法に関する研究」実験力学 24 (2024) pp. 50-58., https://doi.org/10.11395/jjsem.24.50

Toa Yoshizumi, Kazuma Iwasaki, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto, Gaku Manago, Jeongsoo Yu, Tadao Tanabe “Extraction of Terahertz Wave Parameters that Characterize Woolen Clothes” Textile Research Journal 95 (2024) pp. 399–403. https://doi.org/10.1177/00405175241268786

Mana Kusama, Kazuma Iwasaki, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto, Tadao Tanabe ”Structural characteristics of glycine aggregates grown under sub-Terahertz irradiation” Journal of Crystal Growth 648 (2024) 127889. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2024.127889

Gaku Manago, Kazuaki Okubo, Jeongsoo Yu, Tadao Tanabe, Tetsuo Sasaki ” Identification of the Compounds Used in Waste Bottle Caps Using Terahertz Radiation for Sustainable Resource Recycling to Benefit International Cooperation” Sustainability 2024 16(24) 10864. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162410864

Ikuna Kanehara, Tatsuhiro Nagasaka, Hirofumi Seki, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto and Tadao Tanabe ”Local Infrared Spectral Measurement System for the Inspection of Independent Nano-plastic Particles in Water-based Solutions” Environmental Science: Nano 12 (2025) 1107-1115. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4EN00379A

Kazuma Iwasaki, Seishi Abe, Tadao Tanabe ”Mid-infrared detection device using magnetite substrates deposited by radio frequency sputtering method” AIP Advances 15 (2025) 015127. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0236059

岩崎宗将, 田邉匡生 「テラヘルツ検出デバイス開発,社会実装に向けたアプリケーション開発:非破壊検査から結晶成長まで」 日本金属学会誌 89 (2025)pp. 143-151. https://doi.org/10.2320/jinstmet.J202414

Gaku Manago, Tadao Tanabe, Kazuaki Okubo, Tetsuo Sasaki, Jeongsoo Yu, “Development of Smart Material Identification Equipment for Sustainable Recycling in Future Smart Cities” Polymers 17 (2025) p. 462. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym17040462

Kazuaki Okubo, Gaku Manago, Tadao Tanabe, Jeongsoo Yu, Xiaoyue Liu, Tetsuo Sasaki “Identifying plastic materials in post-consumer food containers and packaging waste using terahertz spectroscopy and machine learning” Waste Management 196 (2025) 32-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2025.02.018

Ikuna Kanehara, Naoto Washihira, Tatsuhiro Nagasaka, Hirofumi Seki, Sho Fujii, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Masaya Yamamoto and Tadao Tanabe “Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy of Two Model Nano-Samples of Low-Density Polyethylene Designed by Laser Ablation and Ultraviolet/Ultrasound” Materials & Design 252 (2025) 113804. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2025.113804


須藤 建、田邉 匡生、西澤 潤一、佐々木 哲朗「半導体結晶を用いたテラヘルツ電磁波光源の開発とその応用」まてりあ, 43 (2004), 304-311.

田邉 匡生、佐々木 哲朗、須藤 建「半導体によるテラヘルツ波の発生」OPTRONICS, 23 (2004), 127-134.

田邉 匡生、西澤 潤一「世界の先端を行くテラヘルツ波光源と分光応用」 Isotope News, 658 (2009), 2-6.

栗原 和枝、平山 朋子、中嶋 健、田邉 匡生「ネットワークの概要と低摩擦界面現象の評価・解明によるイノベーション」 月刊トライボロジー, 5 (2012), 52-54.

栗原 和枝、土佐 正弘、森 誠之、田邉 匡生「グリーントライボ・イノベーション・ネットワーク トライボロジスト」57 (2012), 814-819.

田邉 匡生、佐々木 哲朗、小山 裕「広帯域高出力高分解能テラヘルツ波発生と応用 -非破壊検査技術としての展開-」 化学工業, 64 (2013), 863-867.

栗原 和枝、田邉 匡生「グリーントライボ・イノベーション・ネットワーク」 月刊トライボロジー, 11 (2015), 18-20.

小山研究室「テラヘルツ技術の実用化をすすめる半導体研究 -結晶成長から非破壊応用まで-」 SEAJ Journal 156 (2017) 43.

田邉匡生、小山裕「テラヘルツ波によるプラスチックの非破壊検査」プラスチックスエージ 64 (2018) 72-77.

田邉匡生、小山裕「テラヘルツ波を用いる各種構造物の非破壊診断」MATERIAL STAGE 18 (2018) 55-61.


田邉匡生「テラヘルツ波を用いるプラスチック材料の識別」(特集:品質管理と検査・計測)コンバーテック 585(2021)34-37.

田邉匡生、大橋隆宏、劉庭秀、眞子岳、佐々木哲朗、岩嵜郁樹、佐藤勲征「テラヘルツ波を用いた持続可能な開発目標「つくる責任つかう責任」の達成 -プラスチック製容器包装のリサイクル効率向上を目指して」フォトニクスニュース 第7巻4号(2022)164-170.

安齋正博、岩崎宗将、佐藤茜音、林匠、田邉匡生「3Dプリンターによる樹脂型作製と問題点の実験的検証」機械と工具 第12巻4号(2022)8-15.

田邉匡生、大橋隆宏、劉庭秀、眞子岳、大窪和明、佐々木哲朗「廃プラスチックの選別装置開発によるリサイクルの高度化」化学工業 第73巻8号(2022)481-486.

田邉匡生、劉庭秀、眞子岳、佐々木哲朗「プラスチック製容器包装廃棄物の再資源化と有効利用のための試み<テラヘルツ波による素材識別装置の開発>」プラスチックス、Vol. 10 (2022) 1-5.

劉庭秀、田邉匡生、佐々木哲朗「廃プラスチック選別技術の動向と今後の展望」季刊環境技術会誌、Vol. 189 (2022) 31-33.

田邉 匡生、大橋 隆宏、蘆澤 雄亮、劉 庭秀、眞子 岳、大窪 和明、佐々木 哲朗「特集:プラスチック資源循環(現状&取組み) テラヘルツ波を用いたプラスチックの素材識別・劣化診断装置」JETI, 70 (2022), 29-30.

佐々木哲朗、田邉匡生、劉庭秀、眞子岳、大窪和明「特集:テラヘルツ波の実用化技術の進展と応用展開 テラヘルツ波による廃プラスチック高度識別装置の開発」OPTRONICS 42巻(2023)89-93.

岩嵜 郁樹、 金原 生奈、 田邉 匡生「テラヘルツ波を用いるプラスチックの素材識別と熱劣化診断」検査技術、28-12 (2023), 1-7.

田邉 匡生 佐々木 哲朗 劉 庭秀 眞子 岳 大窪 和明「プラスチック識別の実現によるリサイクルの高度化:テラヘルツを利用する廃プラ素材識別装置の開発」クリーンテクノロジー 34 (2024) 55-61.

田邉匡生、佐々木哲朗、劉庭秀、眞子岳、大窪和明「プラスチック識別の実現によるリサイクルの高度化:テラヘルツを利用する廃プラ素材識別装置の開発」クリーンテクノロジー 34 (2024) 55-61.

佐々木哲朗、田邉匡生、劉庭秀、眞子岳、大窪和明「特集:リサイクル、リユースを目指して役立つ光技術② テラヘルツ波を利用した廃プラスチック識別装置」光アライアンス4月号 35 (2024) 30-34.